Market Malaysia

Last updated on: May 23, 2018



Market Malaysia, its affiliates and subsidiaries ("we," "us" or "Market Malaysia") are a leading provider of website design and hosting, as well as online tools for businesses to establish and build a solid web presence to connect with customers. We care about protecting the personal information of our customers and visitors who use our websites, products or services (collectively, our "Users"). This privacy policy provides details about how your personal information is collected, shared and used by us. To learn more about the Market Malaysia visit:

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or the practices described herein, you may contact:
Market Malaysia
c/o IVENUE.Com
250 Pilot Rd Suite 220
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119


This privacy policy covers personal information, including any information we collect, use and share from you, as described further below. This privacy policy applies to all Market Malaysia websites, our products and services, and our mobile applications, if applicable, (collectively, the "Services"). This privacy policy does not cover how our Users may use or share data that they collect using our services.

When you purchase a Service from us, your personal information will be collected, used, and shared consistent with the provisions of this privacy policy as well as the following addendum, which are a part of this privacy policy:


In the course of your use of the Services, we obtain the following information about you as described below. We collect this data for the purposes described under "How We Use Your Information".



Data relating to your online activity on our websites with respect to our Services, including the following:


Information from third party social networking sites, including information that social networking sites provide to us if you use your credentials at such social networking sites to log into some of our Services (such as your name and email address to pre-populate our sign-up form).

The information you allow us to access varies by social networking site, and depends on the level of privacy settings you have in place at the social networking site. You can control and find out more about these privacy settings at the applicable social networking site.



We have a legitimate interest in running a successful and efficient business and in providing you with Services and useful content, and we use the information we collect, both on its own and combined with any other information we collect about you, for the following purposes:

We also use the information we receive in aggregated and anonymized formats to produce reports on trends and statistics, such as mobile search trends, email open rates by industry, campaign best practices or the number of users that have been exposed to, or clicked on, our websites or evaluated or purchased our products and services.

Payment information that you provide to us, including credit card data, will only be used to facilitate payment for our products and services.

We also use recorded telephone conversations for quality control purposes, to train our employees and for our own protection.


As further described below, we will only share certain personal information with:

Sharing within the Market Malaysia Organization: We share personal information with other members of the Market Malaysia organization family to allow our corporate affiliates to contact you with offers, services or products that may be of interest to you and to provide you with their products and services. Any such corporate affiliate may use your information only according to the terms of this privacy policy. If you are located in a jurisdiction where such sharing requires your permission, we will only do so with your consent.

Sharing with Partners: When we share personal information with certain third-party partners, including marketing and advertising partners, that information includes your name, email address and other information enabling partners to:

If you are located in a jurisdiction where such sharing requires your permission, we will only do so with your consent. Please note that if you access our services through a tool that hides your location, such as through a virtual private network, you may not receive our request for permission because we were not able to identify you as being located in a jurisdiction where your permission is required.

Further, our partners are prohibited from using your contact information for any purpose beyond those set forth above without your consent. We will not provide our partners with your credit card information.

In the event we collect information from you in connection with an offer that is jointly presented by us and a partner, we will let you know who is collecting the information and whose privacy policy applies, as well as any options you may have regarding use of your information.

Sharing with Third Party Service Providers and Vendors: Occasionally, we enter into contracts with carefully selected third parties so that they can assist us in servicing you (for example, providing you with customer service, fraud detection and deterrence or access to advertising assets and providing us with information technology and storage services) or to assist us in our own marketing and advertising activities (including providing us with analytic information and search engine optimization services). Our contracts with such third parties prohibit them from using any of your personal information for any purpose beyond the purpose for which it was shared.

If you purchase a product or service from a third party through one of our brands, we will pass your personal information to such third party in order for them to fulfill your order.

We also share non-personal information with certain third parties, including the media, industry observers, marketing and advertising partners, vendors, customers, potential customers or partners. For example, we disclose mobile search trends, email open rates by industry, campaign best practices or the number of users that have been exposed to, or clicked on, our websites or evaluated or purchased our products and services.

Corporate Reorganization: If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, a sale of all or a substantial portion of our assets, or other similar sale transaction, your information will be transferred as part of that transaction. We will notify you by email and/or a prominent notice on our website of any such transfer and any choices you may have regarding your information.

Authorized Users: All users authorized by you to have access to your account can view personal information stored in the account. A primary account holder can view personal information saved in subaccounts to which they have authorized access. We share information about authorized users only for legitimate purposes consistent with this privacy policy, including servicing your account and marketing products and services to you.

Legal Process: Lastly, if legally required to do so, or if we have a good faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary, we may disclose your personal information to courts of law, law enforcement authorities and other relevant third parties, such as internet service providers, to conduct an investigation, respond to a third party or law enforcement subpoena or court order, bring legal action, prevent harm to others or pursue other relief when you or a third party are or may be:

This disclosure can include transferring your information to the U.S. and other countries outside the European Economic Area. To the extent we are legally permitted to do so, it is our policy to notify you in the event that we are required to provide your personal information to third parties in connection with a subpoena.


The transmission of information via the internet, email or text message is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your information transmitted through the Services or over email; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft and unauthorized use, access or modification.

When we collect financial account information, such as credit card numbers, we protect its transmission through the use of encryption.


We use cookies, web beacons, pixels, tags, scripts and other similar technologies in the course of our business.




"Cookies" are small data and text files placed on your computer or other internet-enabled device that enable our features and functionality. They allow us to record information when you visit or interact with our websites, products and services (collectively, our "Websites"). Other tracking technologies, such as web beacons and pixels work similarly to cookies, placing small data files on your device that monitor your Website activity.

Market Malaysia generally uses cookies that are necessary or essential to the functioning of our Websites, cookies that help us improve the performance or customize the functionality of our Websites, and cookies that help us serve you relevant advertisements. The types of cookies described below may be set by us or by a third party service provider assisting us in performing the below functions. Specifically, Market Malaysia uses cookies for the following reasons:

Cookies, by themselves, do not tell Market Malaysia your e-mail address or other personally identifiable information unless you choose to provide this information to us by, for example, registering for a Market Malaysia Website promotion. Once you choose to furnish the site with personally identifiable information, this information may be linked to the data stored in the cookie. Market Malaysia primarily uses cookies to understand site usage and to improve the content of the Market Malaysia Website. For example, Market Malaysia may use cookies to personalize your experience at the Market Malaysia Website or save your password in password-protected areas. The Market Malaysia Website also may use cookies to offer you Market Malaysia products, promotions, or services.

If you visit our Market Malaysia from Europe, only strictly necessary cookies and other tracking technologies will be used on our Websites by default. Other cookies and tracking technologies will only be used when you consent by visiting each Website's Cookie Management Center, where available.

Where you visit Market Malaysia Website from outside Europe, the cookies and similar tracking technologies mentioned above will be used by default.

Internet browsers allow you to change your cookie settings via the "options' or "preferences" menu in your browser. Please note that if you set your browser to refuse or block all cookies, certain features or functionalities of our Websites will be limited or unavailable to you.

Some internet browsers include the ability to transmit "do not track" signals. Because no industry standard has yet been developed with respect to "do not track," our Websites do not currently process or respond to such "do not track" signals.

You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our site. For more information on opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you use, visit this Google page:

To learn how to manage privacy and storage settings for Flash cookies, visit

Further information about deleting and blocking cookies can be found at

Further information about our advertisers' use of cookies can be found at:


To manage the information we receive about you from a social networking site or other third parties (if applicable), you will need to follow the instructions from that party for updating your information and changing your privacy settings, where available. The information we collect is covered by this privacy policy and the information the third party collects is subject to such third party's privacy practices. Privacy choices you have made on any third party site will not apply to our use of the information we have collected directly through our Services.


If an account or profile was created without your knowledge or authorization, please contact customer support at the brand on which the account or profile is located to request removal of the account or profile.


We retain your personal information to provide services to you and as otherwise necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. We will retain your personal information for no more than seven years following the later of (i) the date on which you terminate your use of the Services or (ii) May 25, 2018, unless we are otherwise required by law or regulation to retain your personal information for longer.


Where the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, or GDPR, applies, in certain circumstances and subject to data processing agreements, you have rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you. We set out below an outline of those rights and how to exercise those rights. Please note that we will require you to verify your identity before responding to any requests to exercise your rights by providing details only known to the account holder. To exercise any of your rights, please visit Please note that for each of the rights below we may have valid legal reasons to refuse your request, in such instances we will let you know if that is the case.


You have the right to know whether we process personal information about you, and if we do, to access data we hold about you and certain information about how we use it and who we share it with.


You have the right to receive a subset of the personal information you provide us if we process it on the legal bases of our contract with you or with your consent in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and a right to request that we transfer such personal information to another party. If you wish for us to transfer the personal information to another party, please ensure you detail that party and note that we can only do so where it is technically feasible. We are not responsible for the security of the personal information or its processing once received by the third party.


You have the right to require us to correct any personal information held about you that is inaccurate and have incomplete data completed. Where you request correction, please explain in detail why you believe the personal information we hold about you to be inaccurate or incomplete so that we can assess whether a correction is required. Please note that while we assess whether the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you may exercise your right to restrict our processing of the applicable data as described below.


You may request that we erase the personal information we hold about you in the following circumstances by completing our "Right To Be Forgotten" form:

Please provide as much detail as possible on your reasons for the request to assist us in determining whether you have a valid basis for erasure.

If you make a request to delete your personal data and that data is necessary for the products or services you have purchased, the request will be honored only to the extent it is no longer necessary for any Services purchased or required for our legitimate business purposes or legal or contractual record keeping requirements.


You have a right to require us to stop processing the personal information we hold about you other than for storage purposes in the following circumstances:


You have the right to object to our processing of data about you and we will consider your request. Please provide us with detail as to your reasoning so that we can assess whether there is a compelling overriding interest in us continuing to process such data or we need to process it in relation to legal claims.

You also have the right, at any time, to object to our processing of data about you in order to send you marketing, including where we build profiles for such purposes and we will stop processing the data for that purpose.


Where you have provided your consent to us processing your personal data, you can withdraw your consent at any time by visiting the Personal Information Removal Request Form.


Some of our Services provide links to other websites. Because we do not control the information policies or practices of these third party sites, you should review their privacy policies to learn about how they collect and use personal information.


Our Services are not directed to persons under 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with personal information without such parent or guardian's consent, he or she should contact us. If we become aware that a child under 18 has provided us with personal information, we will delete such information from our files.


In order for us to provide the Services to you, your personal information will be transferred to, and stored at/processed in the United States. Your personal data is also processed by staff operating outside the European Economic Area (EEA), such as in India and the Philippines, who work for us or for one of our suppliers. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your personal data is treated securely and in accordance with this policy.

For transfers of personal information within the Market Malaysia's corporate family, such transfer will be under the Commission's model contracts for the transfer of personal data to third countries (i.e., the standard contractual clauses), pursuant to Decision 2004/915/EC and 2010/87/EU.

For transfers of data to third parties, such transfers will either (i) be under the Commission's model contracts for the transfer of personal data to third countries (i.e., the standard contractual clauses), pursuant to Decision 2004/915/EC and 2010/87/EU; or (ii) rely on the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework.


In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how we process your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer at and we will try to promptly deal with your request. This is without prejudice to your right to raise a complaint with the governing regulatory agency or lead Supervisory Authority.


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we decide to change this privacy policy in any material way, we will notify you here, by email, or by means of a notice on or the website of the Market Malaysia product or service you use prior to the change becoming effective. In all cases, your continued use of any Services constitutes acceptance to any such changes.


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our Privacy Policy, our practices or our Services, you may contact our Office of the DPO by email at In the alternative, you may contact us by either of the following means:

By Mail: Attn: Office of the Data Protection Officer, Market Malaysia,,
250 Pilot Road, Suite #220, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119.
By Phone: (702) 547-8000